For Students
CK-12 for STEM
This website offers fun and engaging lessons in STEM for learners of all kinds.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy provides free online video lessons in many subjects, but with a focus on mathematics.
Online or as an app, this site lets kids practice various subjects through fun flashcards. Students can select from existing card decks or create their own.
Go Noodle
A classroom favorite, this site offers engaging videos for movement and mindfulness.
5 Tips for State Testing (doc)
Check out some easy tips for success on test day!
PARCC Standardized Test Practice
Log in as a guest to practice English Language Arts and Mathematics test.
Smarter Balanced Practice Tests
Directly from South Dakota's testing vendor, sign in as a guest to complete practice tests in ELA and math.
Your go-to stop for career and college exploration! Find resources and tools for planning your future, or log in to your Xello account to discover colleges, universities, vocational and tech schools, career options, and much more.
South Dakota Career Camps
Interested in a particular career or field of work? Check out local career camps to get hands-on experiences and explore your interests!
Dove Self-Esteem Project
Dove's campaign for body positivity and self-confidence, with materials geared specifically for girls.
A trusted online source for career exploration that offers quizzes, career searches, and the latest information on career outlooks.
Be the 1 SD
A resource to empower South Dakota's young people to know the signs of suicide and how to reach out to a struggling peer.
Internet Safety Tips for Teens
Some practical recommendations for safe use of the internet and social media.
PARCC Standardized Test Practice
Log in as a guest to practice English Language Arts and Mathematics test.
Smarter Balanced Practice Tests
Directly from South Dakota's testing vendor, sign in as a guest to complete practice tests in ELA and math.
Post-high Planning
Dual Credit
Admissions exams are typically a requirement for any kind of post-secondary education. Your scores on these exams help colleges, universities, and tech schools determine eligibility for admission. Additionally, your scores can determine scholarships, dual credit eligibility, and course placement, among other aspects. Figuring out what exam to take, when to take it, and how to prepare can often be a daunting task. The resources below will help you make informed and confident decisions regarding your entrance exams.
ACT vs. SAT: Which Should I Take? (doc)
***New this year: ACT now offers Superscoring for students who have taken the ACT
more than once. A Superscore is an average of your four best subject scores. Learn
more here.
ACT Website
SAT Website
The Accuplacer is a computer-based assessment that evaluates testers' skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Certain vocational and tech schools may accept Accuplacer scores in place of an SAT or ACT score. Contact the admissions department at your school of interest for more information on their requirements.
ACT Academy
While ACT Academy has been discontinued, ACT still offers some free practice tests and study guides.
Formerly Method Test Prep, this is a free resource for ACT and SAT prep accessible through your SDMyLife account. From the Xello homepage, you will find a link on the bottom right of the page. The program offers various practice tests and other resources.
Dual credit at Scotland High School is a great way to earn both high school and college credit at a fraction of the cost. Because these classes are at an accelerated college level, it is important to review the information below, which includes both the SHS and Board of Regents Dual Credit policies.
Because online dual enrollment courses demand a maturity level and dedication beyond what is necessary under normal circumstances, a student must understand the following guidelines:
A. To take courses from any of the 6 Board of Regents Colleges (BHSU, DSU, NSU, SDSMT, SDSU or USD), students
ï‚· Must have the approval from the principal.
ï‚· If the student has struggled in the past with dual credit courses or online classes, they may not meet the approval of the Principal.
ï‚· Students must have passed all classes the previous semester.
ï‚· Students must meet the SDBOR Admission requirements:
High School Dual Credit Program – Spring 2015 South Dakota Board of Regents Admission requirements:
1. High school senior eligible to enroll in a high school in South Dakota; OR
a. earn an ACT composite score of 21 reflective of the 50% percentile; or
b. rank in the upper one-half of their graduating class; or
c. earns a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale;
2. High school junior eligible to enroll in a high school in South Dakota; OR
a. earn an ACT composite score of 24 reflective of the 70% percentile; or
b. rank in upper one-third of their graduating class; or
c. earns a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50 on a 4.0 scale;
3. High School junior or senior eligible to enroll in a high school in South Dakota meeting Undergraduate admissions requirements:
a. ACT score of 18 (or 21 for USD & SDSM&T); and
b. Successful completion of coursework Requirements
• Four years of English
• Three years of advanced mathematics
• Three years of laboratory science
• Three years of social studies
• One year of fine arts
B. To take courses from one of the four SD Technical Institutes (LATI. MTI, WDT, STI), students:
ï‚· Must have the approval from the principal
ï‚· If the student has struggled in the past with dual credit courses or online classes, they may not meet the approval of the principal.
ï‚· Students must have passed all classes the previous semester.
ï‚· Earns cumulative of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
Student/Parent Guardian must understand that:
ï‚· Once a student is enrolled in a Dual Enrollment course, they must provide a copy of their dual enrollment course schedule to the E Mentor at the beginning of the semester.
ï‚· Dual enrollment grades will be entered into the student high school transcript and will be used in calculating GPA and class rank.
ï‚· The student must speak to the School Counselor or Mr. Brunke prior to dropping a dual credit course so that they can enroll in a class at the high school.
ï‚· The student is fully responsible for completing the requirements of all dual credit courses, even when Scotland High School classes may not be in session.
ï‚· Students will be given a full class period every day to work on the course.
ï‚· Students will be required to be in the designated room to complete their coursework on a daily basis.
ï‚· It is the responsibility of the student to access help when it is needed and to maintain good/positive/appropriate communication with the online professor for the course.
ï‚· The student will be the only one accountable for their work and seeing that work is completed and turned in on time, as they will not have the face to face daily interaction with a teacher like with their other high school courses.
ï‚· Dual credit courses, just as regular high school courses, will be considered into a student’s eligibility for school activities. Dual credit courses will also be factored into eligibility for SDHSAA athletics and activities.
ï‚· Dual credit classes must be online. There will be no campus classes allowed.
ï‚· **If the student intends to become certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center, ALL of the core course requirements must come from the high school and cannot be substituted with dual credit classes. If a student is seeking NCAA certification and chooses to pursue dual credit enrollment, the student is enrolling in these courses at their own risk of not being certified by the NCAA.
ï‚· **There is a possibility that future choices of colleges will not accept any dual credit grades/credits as transfer grades/credits. Students need to be sure they check with the college/technical school they are looking at to make sure credits will transfer. Course cost $48.33 per credit hour (so a 3-credit course, for example, will cost $144.99 plus any course materials that may be required.)
Payment for the Course(s):
ï‚· All expenses for the course are the responsibility of the student/parents/guardians.
ï‚· Any books, supply fees, lab fees, etc., that may be required for the course are the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian.
ï‚· Each college has their own deadline when to pay for the classes. Most pay upfront. The student does not have the flexibility of waiting until the end of the class and must meet the college’s deadline.
ï‚· A student will have two weeks to withdraw and nothing will go on their transcript
ï‚· If they choose to withdraw at the end of 9 weeks:
a. Required classes will be averaged in with the required class that they will be taking the second 9 weeks.
b. Electives – the student will be given the grade for that elective for those 9 weeks as an “attempted” class.
c. *** We have no control over the colleges and what they choose to do with the grade on the college transcript.
NEW Starting Fall 2020 Semester (Senate Bill 142): Any student that receives a "W" or "F" grade in a dual credit class will become ineligible to participate in the program. Students who retake and pass the failed/withdrawn course may become re-eligible, but they will be responsible for the full cost of the class, not the dual credit rate.
A complete list of courses offered through Dual Credit can be found at
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is the online application that students use to apply for federal financial aid programs, including grants, loans, and work study. The FAFSA uses student and family income tax information to determine what kind of aid and how much a student is eligible for. No matter a family's financial situation, all US students are eligible for some form of aid for their college education, so every student should apply.
UPDATE: There will be some changes to the 24-25 year FAFSA that will hopefully simplify the process; due to these changes, the Department of Education will not be opening the application for 24-25 year aid until December 2023, whereas the FAFSA previously opened October 1st of each year. Scotland and Menno will host a joint FAFSA night in December here at Scotland, date TBA. Financial aid representatives from Mount Marty college will come to the school and walk families through the FAFSA process and will be available to answer any questions you may have. FAFSA night is a great opportunity for students and their families to complete their federal aid application on-site with the help of experienced financial aid reps.
Prior to completing the FAFSA both the student and one parent/guardian will need to create an FSA ID, which is used to electronically sign the FAFSA. A worksheet for creating these IDs can be found here. Please note that the worksheet is from a previous year; you will need your 2021 tax return when applying for aid for the 2023-2024 academic year. If you are the parent of an older child who has previously completed the FAFSA, you will already have an ID.
The FAFSA for the 2023-2024 academic year opened on October 1st and remains open, but please be advised that many schools have priority financial aid deadlines. Be sure to check with the individual school on this date, and complete your FAFSA early on. Below, you will find resources to help with the FAFSA process. It is not known at this time if December will remain the new FAFSA opening date, or if this is just for the new roll-out, but you can watch for updates at the FAFSA website below.
FAFSA Website
This is the site to access the application, as well as create your FSA ID and find answers to questions pertaining federal aid.
11 Common FAFSA Mistakes
This blog post addresses some FAFSA myths and breaks down some important information to know before filling out the FAFSA.
Who is My Parent When I Complete the FAFSA? (doc)
A handy flow chart to help determine which parent(s) will need to submit information on the FAFSA.
High School Code:
In this section, you'll find various resources to help navigate your post-high school planning.
Transcript Request Form (doc)
In order to send educational records to a school, SHS needs a release on file. Complete this form and return it to Miss Fritz.
Scholarship Tracking Table (doc)
Use this spreadsheet to keep track of scholarships you will/have applied to. You can edit it to your own needs.
9th and 10th Grade Planning (doc)
A list of useful tips and post-high planning activities to complete in your early high school years.
Junior Planning Timeline (doc)
A seasonal timeline with recommended tasks to complete your junior year.
Senior Planning Timeline (doc)
A seasonal timeline with recommended tasks to complete your senior year.
College Visit Worksheet (doc)
A useful form to fill out when visiting a school's campus to help you weigh the pros and cons. When you accept an admission offer at a physical campus, you are agreeing to live in that town for four or more years, so make sure you like it!
College Interview Tips (doc)
Application Plans (doc)
Many schools have rolling admission, which means applications are accepted year-round. However, each school is different and some offer early applications that may come with certain stipulations. This form identifies the different types of admission.
10 Tips for Building Your High School Resume
This post will help get you started on an attention-grabbing resume. If using an online resume builder, please be advised that there are sometimes hidden subscription fees to actually download your copy, so be sure to click all the way through to the end to make sure it's truly free before inputting your information.
When it comes to financing your college education, free money is the best money! It is best to begin applying to scholarships early on and to as many as possible. Before you begin the application process, be prepared to provide a current resume and at least three letters of recommendation, as well as other materials a scholarship committee may ask for. Please note, legitimate scholarships will never ask for an application fee, so steer clear of potential scams, including any search sites that ask a fee to "find" you scholarships.
A list of scholarship search engines can be found under the "Useful Websites" link at the top of the High School Resources section of this page. Various local, state, and national scholarships are also listed below. This page will be updated as they become available.
Download a list of scholarship tips here.
Click here for the Scholarship Tracking Table (excel doc). Once downloaded, this can be edited to your own needs.
*** Note: The scholarships below aren't necessarily listed in order of due date. New scholarships are added to the bottom of the list.
Local and State Scholarships
Heisman High School Scholarship
This scholarship from Acceptance Insurance is available to high school seniors who have a 3.0 or higher GPA, are proven leaders and role models in their school/community, and have participated in an eligible high school sport. One male and female winner from each state will be awarded $1,000; national finalists are awarded $2,000, and two national winners will receive $10,000. Apply online at by October 18, 2022 by 3pm PT.
Build Dakota Scholarship
This full-ride scholarship is available to applicants attending one of SD’s four tech schools and entering a designated high-needs field. Scholarship recipients agree to live and work in South Dakota for 3 years in their field following graduation. Find more information and apply starting January 1 at , due March 31, 2023.
Dakota Corp Scholarship
This program is intended as a full-ride scholarship for seniors entering an identified critical needs profession in South Dakota. Recipients must agree to work in that field in South Dakota following graduation; the time commitment equals the number of years the scholarship was received plus 1 year. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 and ACT score of at least 27. If students do not meet the work commitment following graduation, the scholarship transfers into an interest-bearing loan. Visit for more information. Applications must be postmarked by February 1, 2023.
South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship
This scholarship offers up to $6,500 over the course of 4 years to students attending participating South Dakota colleges and tech schools. Students must have an ACT score of at least 24, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and they must have completed the Regent Scholar curriculum. Visit for more information. It is recommended that initial eligibility applications be submitted by June 1, 2023, with all follow-up paperwork needing to be submitted by September 1, 2023.
Jackrabbit Journey Dual Credit Scholarship
Available for any student who enrolls as a full-time, first-time freshman at South Dakota State University and has successfully completed (grade of C or above) Dual Credit courses from SDSU. Funds range from $500-$1500 depending on the number of credits completed. Visit for more information.
SDSU Freshman Scholarships – priority deadline December 1, 2022.
USD Freshman Scholarships – priority deadline of November 15, 2022, final deadline is December 1, 2022.
H. Walter & E. Joyce Rembold Scholarship
For students attending USD. This premier scholarship will be awarded to two incoming freshmen and is valued up to $40,000 ($10,000 per year). First preference is recent Scotland High School graduates followed by second, third or fourth year current USD students from Scotland, South Dakota. Second preference is Freeman Public High School graduates and third preference is recent graduates from any public high school in Bon Homme County, South Dakota. Students must be accepted to USD to access the application. The priority deadline of November 15, with the final deadline being December 1.
Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Any high school senior planning to attend a postsecondary institution full time (12 semester credits or more) is eligible to apply for this scholarship. Amounts ranging from $1,000-12,500 per year will be awarded to a total of 500 recipients. For more information and to apply, visit . Applications are due November 14, 2022 at 11:59pm PT.
South Dakota Elks Career & Tech Ed. Scholarship
This $1,500 scholarship is given by the SD Elks Association to students who will be enrolling in a post-secondary career and technical ed institution by Fall 2023. Applications must include an official transcript, a 300-500 word essay about yourself, and at least 2 letter of recommendation. Click here to download the application, which must be received by the local Elks lodge (Yankton) no later than November 14, 2022.
Dickinson State University Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership Program
This program through Dickinson State University provides students with leadership opportunities, internships, study assistance, and professional development for college success. Additionally, students receive a total of $14,400 in scholarships across their four years of school. Applicants must have either a 3.5 or higher GPA or a 26 or above ACT score, and they must be graduating with a Leadership Studies minor. For more information or to apply, visit . Applications are accepted through February 1, 2023, but the priority deadline to apply is November 1, 2022.
SDES Engineering Scholarships
This $2,000 scholarship is available to high school seniors who intend to enroll in an engineering program at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology or South Dakota State University. Applicants should also have strong grades and ACT scores, and demonstrate responsibility and leadership. See Miss Fritz or visit for an application, which must be postmarked by January 14, 2023.
Scotland Rotary Club Scholarship
The Scotland Rotary Club Scholarship recognizes young people for their outstanding community service. The Scotland Rotary Club is pleased to work with school administrators and community leaders to select a local scholarship recipient each year. Two seniors from Scotland High School will receive a $500 scholarship award for 2023. Applications must be accompanied by a 250 word or less essay describing the student’s commitment to volunteer/community service. See Miss Fritz for an application, which is due back to her by noon on Monday, December 12, 2022.
Black Hills State University Freshman Scholarships – , deadline February 1, 2023.
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Ten $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to students who have been a DFCU member for at least 1 year. Applicants will be judged on an essay of 500 words or less volunteer involvement, academic achievements, work experience, extracurricular activities, and the overall presentation of their application. Applicants must also nominate in their application a teacher/educator who has made a difference in their life. Recipients will also win $200 for their nominated teacher to use on classroom projects or supplies. Visit for the application, all materials must be received by mail by January 20, 2023.
Davis-Bahcall Scholars Program
The Davis-Bahcall Scholars Program is an all-expense-paid opportunity that connects science-curious students with peers and mentors while exploring STEM research in action. Scholars will spend three weeks (June 11 -July 9) visiting leading national and international laboratories and universities in the Black Hills, across the Midwest and in Chicago, Illinois. The group will also visit national monuments and landmarks of cultural significance during their time together. Apply by January 20, 2023 at .
Legends for Kids Scholarship
These $5,000 scholarships are awarded to senior students pursuing a 2- or 4-year degree who have contributed to their HS athletics program in a significant way. Applicants must have a 2.5 or higher GPA, demonstrate high character and values, and must be nominated by a school official. Nomination packets must include the application and nomination forms, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript; this packet must be received by mail by the due date (actual date pending, usually around Jan. 20). More info and the application can be found at . Offering of a 2023 scholarship is pending available funds.
Bon Homme Yankton Electric Scholarship
High school seniors who are a dependent of a current Bon Homme Yankton Electric member are eligible to apply for these $1,000 (1) and $500 (2) scholarships. A letter of recommendation, a short topic essay, a personal essay, a high school transcript, and ACT/SAT scores are also part of the completed application. See Miss Fritz for an application or visit , which is due by 4pm on February 15, 2023. Applications can be mailed to the Tabor office or sent as a single PDF to Aaron Melichar at .
First Dakota National Bank Scholarship
This scholarship, ranging from $1,000-$5,000 is awarded to senior or current college students attending a post-secondary institution full-time. Applicants must also have an active checking account with First Dakota. Recipients are selected based on leadership and community service, an essay, scholastic achievement, and financial responsibility. Visit for more information and to download the application, which must be postmarked by March 6, 2023.
Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a SD high school senior pursing post-secondary education with a GPA of at least 3.2. Applications must include a list/resume of activities, a 300-500 word essay on how you demonstrated optimism and resourcefulness in the face of adversity, and the contact information for two character references. Click here for an application, which is due by email by March 15, 2023.
SD High School Coaches Association Scholarship
The SDHSCA offers four different scholarships to student athletes graduating from SD schools. Visit their site at for information on each scholarship’s requirements. Applications for all four awards are due by mail by February 10, 2023.
DEC Lineman and Electrician Scholarships
Dakota Energy Cooperative awards one $1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a Dakota Energy member who attends the Powerline Construction and Maintenance Program at Mitchell Technical Institute. Dakota Energy also awards one $1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a Dakota Energy member who attends the Electrical Construction and Maintenance Program at Mitchell Technical Institute. Find both applications at , which are due February 10, 2023.
South Dakota State DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants
A $500 scholarship awarded by the local Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution organization. High school seniors who are residents of South Dakota and a direct descendant of a US Military Veteran are eligible. The application must include a cover letter, 3 letters of recommendation (specific requirements for each), a high school transcript, and a copy of the qualifying veteran’s service record. Applications must be received by mail by February 11, 2023. See full details at .
Ty Eschenbaum Foundation Scholarship
At least 3 $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to SD seniors who have been diagnosed with cancer at any time in their life. The application includes a resume, one letter of recommendation, and a few short essay questions. Visit to apply by February 15, 2023.
Ramia Boersma Scholarship
The South Dakota Education Association/NEA awards scholarships to outstanding students who are planning on entering the teaching profession. The Association may annually award up to three $750 scholarships for each academic year. Students must be child or grandchild of an active or retired SDEA member. Applicants must also rank in the top quarter of their class and must attend a SD college or university. Applications must include a transcript, a 300-500 word essay, 3 letters of recommendation (2 teachers, 1 administrator), and a list of academic and extracurricular activities. Visit to apply by February 15, 2023.
Gordon Horgen Scholarship
This $750 award, renewable for 4 years, is available to college-bound Native American senior students pursuing a career in education. A high school transcript, list of school/community activities, 3 letters of recommendation, and a 300-500 word essay are also part of the application. Visit to complete the application, which is due by February 15, 2022.
Golden West Telecommunications Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one SHS senior whose family resides in the Golden West service area and has Golden West phone or internet service. Applicants must be attending a post-secondary institution full time starting in the fall following graduation; the scholarship will be awarded in the second semester of study. Applicants will be judged based on ACT score, transcripts, and their scholarship application, along with financial need if necessary. The recipient will be chosen by Mr. Hummel, per Golden West’s selection process. Visit or see Miss Fritz for an application, which is due back to her by March 15, 2023.
Inez Taylor Walter Scholarship
This scholarship is for South Dakota high school seniors who plan to attend college for a nursing degree. Preference is given to students studying in North Dakota or South Dakota. An essay of 750 words or less on the topic of “Why I am Choosing Nursing as My Profession” is also part of the application. Click here to download an application, which is due via email by April 1, 2023.
Perry and Doreen Evans Scholarship
This scholarship is eligible to seniors with a 3.0 or higher GPA who will be attending a post-secondary institution. Students attending a college or university are eligible for a $5,000 renewable scholarship, while those attending a vo-tech school are eligible for a $2,500 renewable scholarship. Two letters of recommendation, a resume, a transcript, a goal statement, and a copy of your acceptance letter must be submitted with the application, which can be downloaded here. Students must submit all application materials as a single PDF. First preference will be given to students from Clark County, and then Codington County. Applications are due via email by March 15, 2023.
Yankton Medical Clinic Scholarship
Five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors pursuing an education in a medical field. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.4 and an ACT of 25 or more. Applications and complete details can be found at . Applications must be received by the clinic by 5pm on March 17, 2023.
SDACDE Memorial Scholarship
The South Dakota Association of Conservation District Employees awards 3 $500 scholarships to students attending a SD college, university, or tech school for an agriculture or conservation related field. Applicants must also rank in the top 50% of their class. Two letters of recommendation are also part of the application. Click here for more information, and here for an application, which must be postmarked by March 31, 2023.
IIASD Serving Others Scholarship
The Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota are awarding 4 $2,500 scholarships and 1 $10,000 scholarship to high school seniors attending an accredited institution of higher learning in South Dakota. Student will pick someone in their community who makes a difference by giving back or volunteering and write a short essay about them. This can be any entity such as a business, individual, public servant, nonprofit, etc. The short application form can be found here and needs to be turned in with the essay by April 15, 2023. Application materials can be turned in to Chad Odens at his office, or to Miss Fritz.
Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of South Dakota Scholarship
Several $2,000 scholarships each year will be awarded to SD residents planning to attend any post-secondary institution, though preference will be given to those attending a SD school. Applicants should demonstrate financial need, scholastic capability, and have a family connection to a member of the Masonic fraternity, either living or deceased. Students must submit two teacher reference forms, an academic certification, and a high school transcript as part of their application. Applications can be found at and are due by mail by March 31, 2023.
CHS Farmers Alliance Scholarship
Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors from the local CHS Farmers Alliance trade area who are pursuing a career in the ag field. Primary consideration will be given to applicants whose high school academic performance is high while demonstrating the qualities of leadership,
passion for the industry, integrity and citizenship. Applicants must include two letters of recommendation, a completed W-9, and a photo. The application says to turn it in to your school counselor, but please turn this in yourself to the mailing/email address listed. Click here for the application, which is due April 3, 2023.
CHS Foundation Scholarships
These scholarships are available to students pursuing an agriculture field at SDSU, Mitchell Tech, or Lake Area Tech. Visit and select South Dakota for contact information on each school’s program.
VFW Continuing Education Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to students who pursues an education at a college or vo-tech school. Applicants must be a member of the VFW (or a spouse or child), be at least 18 years old, and submit an essay of 300 words or less. Applications can be found at and must be submitted by mail or email by February 15, 2023.
Yankton College Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree who have either a family connection to a Yankton College alumni or faculty, or a recommendation from someone with a Yankton College connection. Applicants must also have a 3.0 GPA and 21 ACT score and need to submit a leadership statement, a personal statement, and 2 letters of recommendation. Applications can be found at and are due February 24, 2023.
Annis I. Fowler/Kaden Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to two new freshman students attending BHSU, DSU, NSU, or USD and pursuing a degree in elementary education. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA and need to submit a transcript, ACT scores, 2 letters of recommendation, and an essay on the application’s chosen topic. The application can be found at and must be postmarked by February 25, 2023.
Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded to Native American students who are pursuing a degree in agribusiness, agricultural production, agricultural sciences, or natural resources. Along with the application, students must submit two letters of recommendation, a transcript, and verification of tribal enrollment. Visit for the application, which must be postmarked by February 25, 2023.
South Dakota FFA Scholarships
Various scholarships are available to SD FFA students. Visit for more information and to apply. All applications are due by February 24, 2023 by 11:45pm CST.
NSU Freshmen Scholarships – deadline March 1, 2023
DSU Freshmen Scholarship – deadline March 1, 2023
South Dakota Nursery and Landscape Association Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is open to students attending SDSU or Southeast Tech to pursue a career in Horticulture, Floriculture, Plant Pathology, Landscape Design, Landscape Architecture, Turf Management, or another horticulture-related field. Visit for the application, which is due by mail by March 31, 2023.
South Dakota Sheriff’s Association Scholarship
Two $500 scholarships will be awarded to students who are enrolled at a South Dakota college or university and are majoring in Criminal Justice and are seeking a career in law enforcement. A personal essay needs to be submitted with the application. Visit for the application, which is due by mail by March 10, 2023.
Horatio Alger Targeted Scholarships – Denny Sanford Scholarship
Scholarships ranging from $10,000-$37,500 are available to students attending select universities. Senior applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or above, demonstrate integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, and have an adjusted gross family income of $55,000 or less. Visit and scroll to “Denny Sanford” scholarship for more details and to apply, due March 15, 2023.
Sioux Falls Community Foundation Scholarships
Several scholarships are available to South Dakota seniors, ranging from $400 to $6,000. Students can complete a pre-application to match them with the awards they are eligible for. Access the applications at , most of which are due March 15, 2023.
Cogley-Buffington Certified Property and Casualty Underwriters Fund
To be eligible for this $1,000 award, applicants must be graduating seniors from high schools throughout South Dakota, Southwest Minnesota, and Northwest Iowa who plan to attend an accredited, four-year college or university. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need; have a GPA of 3.5 or higher; participate in extra-curricular and community activities, and demonstrate an interest in and understanding of the role of business in American society. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
David L. Profilet Scholarship
Winners of this $500 award must be graduates of a South Dakota high school who plan to attend Augustana University in Sioux Falls. Additionally, successful candidates will have a GPA of 3.0 or higher; demonstrate financial need; and show character traits such as courage, determination, and an ability to overcome adversity. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Fool Soldier Scholarship
This $2,000 award is open to descendants of the Fool Soldiers, a group of Teton Lakota men who ransomed the freedom of two white women and six children held captive by a band of Dakota Indians in 1862. Eligible applicants must be able to prove their ancestry; have a GPA of 2.0 or higher; be planning to attend an accredited college, university, or vocational or technical school; and have financial need. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Fred and Marie Christopherson Scholarship
Applicants who plan to attend a four-year college or university in South Dakota, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.9 after seven semesters, and have a minimum ACT score of 28 are eligible for this $3,000 award. It is available to seniors graduating from South Dakota high schools. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Joe Foss “An American Hero” Scholarship
To be eligible for this $1,000 award, applicants must plan to attend an accredited college or university or vocational or technical school; have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better and a minimum ACT score of 21; and demonstrate characteristics of an American patriot. Available to seniors graduating from South Dakota high schools. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Justin Lake College Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is available to senior students who plan to attend an accredited college, university, or tech school and who demonstrate financial need. First preference is given to Tea, Huron, and James Valley Christian students, with additional awards going seniors from any South Dakota high school. Access the application at , which is due March 15, 2023.
Kimberly Rose Means – Native American Council of Tribes Scholarship
This $750 scholarship benefits graduating high school seniors who are enrolled members of a South Dakota Native American tribe or South Dakota tribal members who are returning to school after an absence. Applicants must plan to attend an accredited college, university, or vocational school; have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; have participated in school and community activities (only applies to high school seniors); and have the desire and ability to accomplish his or her goals. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Osmann Family Native American Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship benefits graduating South Dakota high school seniors who are enrolled members of a Native American tribe. Applicants must plan to attend a college in the South Dakota university system or a vocational or technical school in Sioux Falls, Watertown, Mitchell, or Rapid City and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher after seven semesters of high school. Applicants must also have the desire and ability to succeed in further academic study and have participated in extra-curricular or community activities. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Rush Family Scholarship
Applicants for this $1,500 scholarship must be graduating high school seniors or current college students who are children of full time employees of North American Truck & Trailer, Inc. & Subsidiaries that plan to attend an accredited institution of higher education in the fall. Applicants must also have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Access the application at which is due March 15, 2023.
Siouxland Chapter CFMA Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors who are pursuing and academic or technical degree in construction. Applicants must attend a post-secondary institution within 100 miles of Sioux Falls. Applications are due March 15, 2023 at .
South Dakota Fire SERVICE Scholarship Program
Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to students who are the child of any member of a South Dakota fire department. Applicants must include a photo, a high school transcript, 4 letters of recommendation (including one from the sponsoring fire department), a list of school and community activities, and a 250 word essay. Visit for the application, which must be received by mail by March 15, 2023.
Louie Family Foundation Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated outstanding personal achievements, academic merit, leadership qualities, and/or community service. Special consideration will be given to children of veterans, those that demonstrate financial need, and first-generation college students. Applicants must have a 3.7 or higher GPA, 27 or higher ACT (if your school did not require the exam, state so), and must submit two letters of reference. Complete the application at , which is due March 17, 2023.
FEEA Scholarship
These scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 are available to dependents of federal civilian or postal workers employed by the federal government for 3 or more years. More information can be found at , applications are due March 16, 2023 by 3pm EDT.
The BBB Student of Integrity Awards
Three $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to South Dakota students by the Better Business Bureau. Applications must include two letters of recommendation, a HS transcript OR ACT/SAT score report, a 500 word essay, and descriptions of the student’s activities, work, volunteer, and academic plans. Visit for more information and the application, which is due March 24, 2023.
Resource Conservation Speech Contest
This subject of this yearly contest is “Backyard Conservation: Don’t Water It Down!”. Students grades 9-12 are eligible to create and present a speech on the topic before a panel of judges. Contestants who advance beyond the district and area contests will compete at the state level, where they can win up to $1,200 in scholarships. Visit,%2C%20and%20home%2Dschool%20students. for more information and the entry form. Entry forms should be submitted to the Bon Homme Conservation District by early March, so they can meet their March 25th deadline of selecting winners.
Mitchell Technical College Scholarships – deadline March 31, 2023.
Western Dakota Technical College Scholarships – deadline March 31, 2023.
Lake Area Technical College Scholarships – deadline March 31, 2023.
Friends of Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a senior student planning a career in wildlife management, conservation, or another related field who is attending any 2- or 4-year college. There is no minimum ACT or class rank. A resume, short essay answer, and 2 letters of recommendation are part of the application. Visit for an application, which is due by mail by April 1, 2023.
SEA (Scotland Education Association) Scholarship
Interested applicants should stop by Mrs. Haase’s room to pick up an application. This $250 scholarship will be given to a senior student interested in going into the education field. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. The applicant needs to write an essay of 400-500 words including why he/she chose education as his/her career path and what part of education (teaching area) interests him/her. Qualified applicants will also include any educational experience that they have been involved in (examples: mentoring, tutoring, etc.). Deadline is Friday, April 14th .
NEW - Gladys Weidenbach Scholarship
Given in memory of Gladys Weidenbach, this $500 scholarship will be awarded to one SHS senior each year who demonstrates outstanding participation and achievement in Fine Arts. The SHS scholarship committee will review applications and vote on a recipient. The chosen recipient will not necessarily be the student with the highest academic achievements, but rather is someone who shows a passion for visual and/or performing arts and demonstrates achievements in these areas. Click here for an application, which is due to Miss Fritz with a scholarship notebook by April 12, 2023.
Corven and Fritzie Kepplinger Scholarship
This $200 scholarship is awarded to one SHS student who is pursuing a degree at a vo-tech or trade school. Applicants must be in the upper one third of their class, and financial need will be considered. An SHS scholarship notebook must be submitted as part of the application. See Miss Fritz or click here for an application, which is due to her by April 12, 2023.
The Henry Weidenbach Sportsman Scholarship
This $500 scholarship will be awarded to one male and one female SHS senior who has played a varsity level sport while in high school, has an attitude of sportsmanship on and off the field, and demonstrates financial need. An SHS scholarship notebook must be submitted as part of the application. See Miss Fritz or click here for an application, which is due to her by April 12, 2023.
Virginia Kepplinger Memorial Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to one SHS senior who is pursuing a degree in education. If no students are entering education, the scholarship will be awarded to a student attending a vo-tech school. The scholarship is awarded in honor of Virginia Kepplinger, who was an elementary teacher for 41 years. An SHS scholarship notebook must be submitted as part of the application. See Miss Fritz or click here for an application, which is due to her by April 12, 2023.
Pete and Margaret Baker Memorial Scholarship
Also known as the “Overachiever Award”, this scholarship is given each year to one or two SHS seniors. To qualify, students in their senior year must have participated in: vocal OR band; speech OR play; and at least 2 sports. A 2.7 or higher GPA is also required. SHS faculty will rank all eligible students to determine a recipient(s). No application is required, but students must email their qualifying activities to Miss Fritz by April 12, 2023 to be considered.
National Scholarships
Hagan Scholarship
Up to $6,000 per semester awarded to senior students demonstrating both need and merit. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, rank in the top 20% of their class, complete the FAFSA, and must work 240 hours in the twelve months prior to the start of each academic year. Study abroad opportunities are also available to scholarship recipients. Visit for more information or to apply. Applications open September 1st and are due by December 1, 2022.
Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship
This $2,000 sweepstakes scholarship is open to all high school, college, and graduate students who will enroll in a higher education institution within the next 12 months. Applicants under 18 must have parent/guardian consent to enter. The scholarship is awarded at random to one winner per month (sweepstakes period); a separate entry must be completed for each sweepstakes period an applicant wishes to be entered in. Find more information and apply at .
Elks Legacy Awards
These $4,000 scholarships are awarded to seniors who are children or grandchildren of an active Elks member. Applications open September 1 are due February 6, 2023 by 11:59pm PT. Apply and find more information at
Cola-Cola Scholars Program
The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to students in their final year of high school. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. 150 Coca-Cola Scholars are selected each year to receive this $20,000 scholarship. Applicants must have a 3.0 or higher GPA and cannot be the child or grandchild of a Coca-Cola employee, active or retired. Visit to apply by 5pm ET on October 31, 2022.
The JFK Library Profiling Courage Award
Students in grades 9-12 can submit an essay of 700-1,000 words on an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official. Applicants must have a nominating teacher to work with them on their submission. Prizes ranging from $100-$10,000 are awarded to the selected winners. More information and the application can be found at which is due January 13, 2023.
Burger King McLamore Foundation Scholarships
Scholarships ranging in $1,000 to $50,000 in value are available to senior students and Burger King employees. Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and be active in their school and community. Visit for more information and to apply. The application is open until December 15, 2022 OR until 50,000 applications have been received, so apply early!
Union Plus Scholarship Program
Scholarships ranging from $500-4,000 will be awarded to students whose parent/guardian have been a member for at least one continuous year of a participating union. Applicants will be judged on academic ability, social awareness, financial need, and appreciation of labor. Visit to apply, applications are due January 31, 2023.
DAR National Scholarships
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution award various scholarships to students pursuing higher education (not gender-specific). Eligibility varies by the specific scholarship, but students will be evaluated based on academic excellence, commitment to the field of study, and/or financial need, or other restrictions on each award. Visit to apply by January 31, 2023, 11:59pm (Hawaiian local time).
ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship
Students 16 and older who register for a ScholarshipOwl account are entered to win one of 50 $1,000 scholarships. Visit for more details, register by January 29, 2023.
Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Program
Three different scholarships, ranging in value from $1,000-$5,000 are available to students who are entering the roofing industry or who are dependents of a parent/guardian employed in the roofing industry. Opportunities are available for both vo-tech and university students. Visit for more information and to access the online application, which is due by 5pm CST on January 31, 2023.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarships
The SME scholarship program offers various awards to students pursuing a degree in a manufacturing or engineering related field who have a 2.0 or higher GPA. Requirements vary by each scholarship. For more information and to apply, visit and select “graduating HS seniors.” Applications are due February 1, 2023.
McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship
The McDonald's HACER National Scholarship Program will offer scholarships to up to 30 outstanding Hispanic students from all over the country, ranging from $5,000-$100,000. Students need a 2.8 or higher GPA to apply and will need to submit a high school transcript, personal statement, one letter of recommendation, a list of community service projects, and a FAFSA report. Visit for more information and apply by February 7, 2023.
Gordon A. Rich Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships up to $12,500 will be awarded to students who are dependents of a parent/guardian employed in the financial service industry. Students must be attending a 4-year institution, have a 3.5 GPA or higher, rank in the top 20% of their class, and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must upload a high school transcript with ACT/SAT scores and an online recommendation form needs to be completed by the requested reference. Visit for more information and to apply, applications are due February 16, 2023 by 3pm CT.
Project Yellow Light Scholarship
Students entering this scholarship contest will create and submit a PSA for their peers to discourage distracted driving. Entrances can be a video, billboard design, or radio ad; top prizes are $2,000 for billboard and radio submissions, and $8,000 for video submissions. Visit for more information and to apply, submissions are due March 1, 2023 for billboards, and April 1, 2023 for video and radio.
WRCA Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 is awarded to students who are the child of a working ranch cowboy, which is defined as any person, regardless of gender, deriving a significant portion of their income from taking care of cattle on a cattle ranch, including day workers. Applications must be accompanied by a high school transcript, three letters of recommendation, a quality photo of the applicant, and copies of tax returns and any W-2s/1099s for the applicant and their family. Visit for the application, which must be postmarked by March 1, 2023.
American Agri-Women Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships
This $1,000 scholarship is available to any farm, ranch or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture. Three signed and dated letters of recommendation must be submitted. Visit for more information and to apply, applications are due March 1, 2023.
Agriculture Future of America Scholarship
Scholarships ranging from $1,600-$3,250 are awarded to students enrolling in an agriculture or food-related degree program. Visit for more information and to apply by March 9, 2023.
Young Women in Public Affairs Award
This scholarship awards $5000 to 37 applicants internationally who have been active in public affairs, including policy making, government, and/or volunteer organizations. Applicants will be judged on active commitment to volunteerism, experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid), volunteer leadership achievements, knowledge of Zonta International and its programs, and support for Zonta International’s mission of empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Along with the application, students need to submit a verification of enrollment by the school and verification of employment (if applicable); two letters of recommendation must also be submitted directly from those individuals. Visit for full instructions and the application, which is due to the Aberdeen Zonta chapter by March 11, 2023.
BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship
This $1,500 scholarship is available to students pursuing an engineering degree who have a 3.75 or higher GPA and rank in the 90th percentile on ACT/SAT math and science. Visit for more information, applications are due February 28, 2023.
4-H Youth in Action Program
Four $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to 4-H members who demonstrate leadership in their community. Visit!overview for more information and to apply by March 27, 2023.